
Wichita Art Museum Summer Birthday Bash * Sat. 7/19/2014 2pm - 4pm

Summer Birthday Bash!
Saturday July 19th 2pm - 4pm
Wichita Art Museum
1400 West Museum Boulevard, Wichita KS

Help celebrate 
Wichita Art Museum's 79th birthday 
with ice cream, music, a community 
art project, and more in the 
S. Jim and Darla Farha Great Hall. 
For a fifth year, the museum 
throws open the doors to the community.

Wichita Wagonmasters scoop gallons and gallons of the cold stuff, 
while families stream through the galleries and art studio. 
Beat the heat and come for cool ice cream!
~Free admission~

For more information on upcoming events at the Wichita Art Museum, visit  

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