
St Patricks Parade in Historic Delano Saturday March 16th, 2013

Date:   Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Time:   High Noon
Place:  Delano District - Starts at the Arkansas River and proceeds west on Douglas Avenue to Walnut Street

This parade has become one of the largest Parades in Wichita!

Last year, the crowd was estimated at 10,000 and there were over 1000 in the Parade!

The organizers for the St. Patricks Day Parade are looking for groups, businesses, organizations, clubs, Scouts, Schools, Bands, etc, who want to come out and join the Parade!

The cost for entry is $30

You can get an entry by going to
or stop in Central Plains Novelty, 905 W. Douglas and pick one up

Other activities include:
Breakfast at The Senior Center - 200 S. Walnut
Celebrate all day at The Shamrock Lounge - 1724 W Douglas
Kids Activities - New Convenant Church

For the first time, St. Patrick Parade t-shirts are being ordered!
( available the first part of Feburary )
$10 each for Children and Adult sizes
To be sure and get your size, you can pre-order now!
Contact  (316 )  640-2453

Parade Sponsors are welcome!  Sponsorship fee of $250 will get your Company name and logo on the Poster, the Historic Delano website and on the t-shirts!  
Hurry!! ....the deadline for this is February 1st!

For more updates, visit Historic Delano on Facebook
 and Historic Delano's website

 For more information, Call  (316 )  640-2453

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